In this age of social media we have so much more opportunity to reach out to people and insert ourselves into industries that were previously closed off.
The modelling industry is often one that seems impenetrable without being signed up to an agency. However, with the advent of social media platforms such as Instagram, individuals now have the opportunity to build their own digital portfolio online and attract attention through the following they build themselves.
In this blog we are going to give a few tips on how to start building a following on Instagram and what is required to capture the interest of brands and hopefully secure work.
Tip 1) This is an obvious one but you need to be posting eye catching, consistent content. Think about what you are trying to achieve and have all of your content posts in-line with that goal. If your aim is to secure modelling work through Instagram you'll want a variety of images showing your personal style, different poses, candid shots and posed shots. Uploading images of your cat or a meal you had the other day will not be related to the content that attracted your audience to begin with. You'll want to curate your Instagram grid to look eye catching as a whole, not just as individual images. Think about the colour palette and textures you use and the way your images look next to each other. It's this attention to detail that will make you stand out and assist in the growth of you following.
Tip 2) When building your following you will also be aiming to capture the attention of brands you would like to work with. Individuals and brands will be notified when you tag them in your images which will bring you to their attention. If you are wearing a particular brands clothing then be sure to tag them so they can see your style and what you represent. If they see your following and like your look, then you'll have a much greater chance of being hired by them.
Tip 3) Collaborations. This is a great way to get more experience as well as helping to build your following. Seeking out other creatives who you admire and collaborating with them on projects will help both parties develop new content for their social platforms. Instagram has been going for a number of years now and is absolutely packed with creatives with huge followings. This can mean it's much harder these days to get the larger your followings you might be hoping for. If you can connect with another user who has that large following you can get a boost from them by collaborating on work together and tagging each other in your posts and stories.
Tip 4) With features like direct messaging we now have the opportunity to communicate directly with agencies, brands and individuals we admire. This was unheard of 10 years ago. Make use of it! Just keep in mind that if you are positioning yourself as a professional online then you need to act professional when reaching out to agencies and brands. Do not bombard people with messages and be patient when waiting for a response. Also, don't be disheartened if you don't get the response you want. Working for yourself and trying to build a platform means you will constantly hear NO as an answer. You will be told your great but just not the right look this time. Just keep pushing forward.
Tip 5) This last tip is actually a continuation of tip number 4. Not being disheartened when you don't get the response you were hoping for or getting the gigantic following you desired.
When trying to build a following on Instagram or any social platform one of the most important things you can do these days is be yourself and be authentic. Don't try to please everyone or appeal to what you think people want to see. This is a guaranteed way to blend into the crowd and go unnoticed. Create great, consistent content that is a projection of who you are and make micro adjustments along the way when you see what posts are working better than others. By doing this you will nurture your followers and build a community around your content. One of the worst things you can do is have a goal of having thousands of followers for the sake of having thousands of followers. Focus on what you are posting, not how many people are following you. The ones who do follow you as a result of this will be far more valuable to you and your growth than people who are just following you because you asked them and aren't engaging with your content.

If you want to get a jump start on your Instagram modelling journey why not book a modelling experience with Project Bloom at our Wellington Photo Studio. We have all the tools to help you learn and experience the modelling world with our specialised photo shoots and we have multiple options to build portfolios if you find thats something you want to do.