Here at Project Bloom we have quite a large product list and it can be hard sometimes to know what the best option to go for is. We hope this blog will explain a little about what the options are, whether thats a good fit for you and what exactly you would do with them.
1) When you know your portfolio viewing is coming up and your thinking about investing in some prints, books, canvas and/or digital files the best thing you can do is check out what we have on our website.
Knowing whats available before hand means you can ask questions about certain products that interest you and allows us to gauge what has caught your attention on our website.
2) Next you'll want to think about what your budget is. Obviously professional photography can be expensive. Professional cameras, lighting, education and the hours it takes to produce a final product means it costs a lot for a photographer to generate a profit in this industry. This is why any photographer worth their salt will ensure the complete experience and end product is worth the amount you spend on it.
At Project Bloom there are two options when deciding to make a purchase. A client can either pay in full and receive their order straight away or they can take the Lay-by option and break up their payments and receive their product when they are all paid up. The great thing about our Lay-By option is that its interest free so you'll never have to pay more than someone paying in full.
3) As we said before, professional photography can be expensive. If you know you want to invest in some images its a great idea to have everyone who is in charge of the finances at home come along to the viewing. This makes it much more of a communal experience. When you get everyone involved with the selection process it can be a really fun. You can all decide what your favourite images are and what images would look good in a book or poster. It also means there won't be any surprises for someone who was left out of the process.
4) Is a collection a good option for you? This really depends on the circumstances. Our London Collection is great if you want a lot of Digital Files and a showreel to start a portfolio with. One of the common problems we hear from people who've approached an agency is that they haven't got enough images in their portfolio. With the London Collection you'll get up to 30 images as well as a slideshow to present to prospective talent agencies. Our Paris Collection however has 50-60 images with a selection of books and prints included too. We often find this is a great option if you've done a shoot with a friend or family member and you want to split the products between you. It's also a great option if you know you want to give some canvases to a grand-parent and maybe a book for your parents and have digital files and a poster for yourself. This leads on to our final point.
5) What will you do with your images?
This is a great question and something you should think about before your viewing. If you are looking to get into modelling and want to start a career then it seems pretty obvious that you would use your images to show off to photographers and agencies.
If you aren't looking to be a professional model then you'll probably just enjoy having some stunning prints from you photo shoot with us hanging in the house or displayed in a nice table top book. Its also worth thinking about the future and what you'll think looking back at your images. Humans are instinctively nostalgic creatures. We love looking back and flicking through old family albums. The tactile nature of going through printed photographs is always far more enjoyable than scanning through pictures on a tiny phone or computer screen. Take the time to look at your images and be proud of yourself for going out and trying something new and having something to show for it.